
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Method of parametric analysis of reciprocating electric generators with permanent magnets


A method for the parametric analysis of electric generators of reciprocating motion with permanent magnets has been developed, which allows revealing the values of the parameters of the magnetic circuit (cross-sectional area) and the working winding (number of turns) at a given value of the efficiency, providing a minimum specific gravity of the generator. The method of parametric analysis of electric generators of reciprocating motion with permanent magnets consists of three stages. The first and second stages are the electromagnetic calculation of the generator: at the first stage, the main geometric dimensions of the magnetic system and the parameters of the working winding of the generator are determined; at the second stage, the verification of the electromagnetic calculation of the generator, calculation of the nominal mode, calculation of the efficiency and assessment of the thermal state of the generator are fulfilled. At the third stage, a parametric analysis of electric generators of reciprocating motion with permanent magnets with specified constraints is carried out, as well as the refinement of the geometric dimensions and configuration of the magnetic system of the generator using a two-dimensional finite element model of the magnetic field. As a result, to ensure better use of the electrical steel of the magnetic circuit of the generator and thereby reduce its mass, the most saturated areas and areas, which are characterized by low values of the magnetic field strength, are determined. Distinctive features of the proposed technique are: the use of a minimum specific gravity of electric generators of reciprocating motion with longitudinal, transverse or combined changes in the magnetic flux passing through the working winding as an objective function; combined approach to electromagnetic calculation; taking into account the influence of the operating temperature on the parameters of the permanent magnet, as well as overheating of individual parts of the generator.

About the Authors

A. B. Menzhinski
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus

Andrei B. Menzhinsky – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Power Supply Systems

220, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220057, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

A. N. Malashin
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus

Andrei N. Malashin – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Power Supply Systems

220, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220057, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

A. E. Kaleda
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus

Andrei E. Kaleda – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Power Supply Systems

220, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220057, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


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