Dynamic range reduction of infrared images based on adaptive equalization, stretch and compression of histogram
The problem of reducing the dynamic range and improving the quality of infrared (IR) images with a wide dynamic range for their display on a liquid crystal matrix with 8-bit pixels is considered. To solve this problem in optoelectronic devices in real time, block algorithms based on local equalization of the histogram are widely used, taking into account their relatively low computational complexity and the possibility of taking into account local features of the brightness distribution. The basic adaptive histogram equalization algorithm provides reasonably high image quality after conversion, but may result in excessive contrast for some types of images. In a modified algorithm of adaptive histogram equalization, the contrast is limited by a threshold by truncating local maxima at the edges of the histogram. This leads, however, to a deterioration in other indicators of image quality. This disadvantage is inherent in many algorithms of local histogram equalization, along with limited control over the characteristics of image reproduction quality. To improve the quality and expand the control interval for the characteristics of the reproduction of infrared images, the article proposes an algorithm for double reduction of the dynamic range of the image with intermediate control of the shape of its histogram. This algorithm performs: preliminary reduction of the dynamic range of the image based on adaptive equalization of the histogram, control of the shape of the histogram based on its linear or nonlinear compression, linear stretching of its central part and linear stretching (compression) of its lateral parts, final reduction of the dynamic range based on linear compression of the entire histograms. The characteristics of the proposed algorithm are compared with the characteristics of known algorithms for reducing the dynamic range and improving the image quality. The dependences of the characteristics of the quality of image reproduction after a decrease in their dynamic range on the control parameters of the proposed algorithm and recommendations for their choice taking into account the computational complexity are given.
About the Authors
S. I. RudikovBelarus
Stanislav I. Rudikov – Master of Engineering, Information Technology Deputy Director
6, Brovka Str., 220013, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
V. Yu. Tsviatkou
Viktar Yu. Tsviatkou – D. Sc. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Infocommunications
6, Brovka Str., 220013, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
A. P. Shkadarevich
Alexey P. Shkadarevich – Academician of the National Academy of Science of Belarus, D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, CEO
23/1, Makayonok Str., 220114, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
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