
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Determination of the plasticity of metals by impact indentation of a spherical indenter


The problems of measuring the plastic characteristics of metals are considered. It is shown that the characteristics of materials used to compare their plasticity are not comparable and depend in the different degrees on the values of strain, strain rate, and modulus of elasticity. At the same time, the value of plasticity is more physically substantiated, which is determined by the ratio of plastic strain to total strain. It is shown that one of the optimal methods for measuring plasticity (plasticity index) is indentation. The possibility of using impact microindentation for this purpose is studied and expressions are proposed that allow calculating the plasticity based on the results of a single indentation of a spherical indenter. The specialties of the calculation of strain for this type of testing are shown. It was found that the values of plasticity obtained from the ratios of the depths of the plastic and elastic penetration of the indenter are equivalent to the values calculated from the energy ratios upon impact. Experimental studies have been carried out on metals with different hardness and type of crystal lattice. For the first time, the effect of strain rate, deformation, and impact energy (initial impact velocity) on the calculated value of plasticity when a sphere is impressed with strain rates of ~ 103 s–1 is shown. It is shown that when the strain corresponding to the onset of full plasticity during indentation is reached, the maximum sensitivity of the measured plasticity parameter for various metals is achieved.

About the Author

A. P. Kren
Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Alexander P. Kren – D. Sc. (Engineering), Head of the Mechanical Testing Laboratory

16, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


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