
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Methodology and hardware for assessing the quantitative characteristics of pet images in the study of dynamic objects


The description of the original phantom design for assessing the quantitative characteristics of PET images in the study of dynamic objects is given. The phantom movement is controlled by the breath synchronization system, which records the phantom movement amplitude and the duration of the movement cycle. A curve was obtained that simulates human breathing, the parameters of which (amplitude and period) correspond to those obtained in the study of the chest. The values of the ecovery coefficients and contrast are obtained taking into account the sizes of the spheres, as well as the static and dynamic types of movement of phantoms. An assessment of the discrepancy between the recovery coefficients and the contrast values for the spheres installed inside the phantom in the static and dynamic states has been made. With a decrease in the diameter (respectively, and volume) of the sphere, an increase in the difference in values (between the static and dynamic positions of the phantom) of the recovery coefficient is observed. The optimal values of the recovery coefficients obtained using the QClear reconstruction algorithm have been determined. Recommendations for the use of the developed device in the study of dynamic objects are described. It is advisable to use the installation presented in this work to control the quality of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of diagnostic images obtained both on PET/CT scanners and during studies using SPECT/CT (single-photon emission tomograph combined with a computed tomograph).

About the Authors

E. V. Emelyanenko
N. N. Aleksandrov National Cancer Center, agrotown Lesnoy

Evgeniy V. Emelianenko – Postgraduate Student, Engineer of the Positron Emission Tomography Laboratory

23/1, Dolgobrodskaya Str., 220070, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

M. N. Piatkevich
International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University

Maksim N. Piatkevich – Postgraduate Student

23/1, Dolgobrodskaya Str., 220070, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

I. G. Tarutin
N. N. Aleksandrov National Cancer Center, agrotown Lesnoy

Igor G. Tarutin – D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of Radiation Therapy

agrotownLesnoy, 223040, Minsk Disrtict, Minsk Region, Republic of Belarus


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