
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Influence of the thickness of the cured layer of photopolymer resin during SLA-printing technology on the elastic and strength characteristics of polymeric products of additive production


The possibility of using dynamic indentation method for measurement the elastic and strength properties of polymer products obtained by additive synthesis using the SLA-technology is considered. The sensitivity of the method to changes in hardness, tensile strength, and elastic modulus of products obtained by different printing modes with a thickness of the cured layer of photopolymer resin of 100, 50, and 25 microns has been estimated. A comparison is made of two main methods for calculating the physical and mechanical characteristics of a material according to the data of its impact loading diagram: an adapted classical method of mechanics of contact interaction, considering the geometric parameters of the deformed region of the material, and a method based on the energy characteristics of shock interaction. It was found that the highest sensitivity of the dynamic indentation method to changes in the properties of the additive polymer, depending on the thickness of its hardened layer, is provided when using an energy computational model for evaluating the properties of the material. The results obtained are the basis for the methods of non-destructive testing of polymer products of additive manufacturing by the method of dynamic indentation. The implementation of these techniques in portable measuring equipment is an alternative to standard destructive tests and will allow obtaining reliable data on the properties of the controlled material without the need to manufacture special witness samples.

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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)