
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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The error of transferring the size of a unit of length – a meter in the nanometer range using the nanomeasuring machine


The paper describes the principle of measuring linear dimensions using a nano-measuring machine (NMM), which implements the method of measuring three coordinate axes in the range of 25X25X5 mm3. Sources of non-excluded systematic measurement errors are identified, which are conventionally divided into factors associated with the method of measuring length using an interferometer and factors determined by the design and technological features of the nano-measuring machine. Statistical estimates of the measurement result have been determined and the error in transferring the size – meter length in the nanometer range of measurements has been calculated. The results obtained assert that the nano-measuring machine is a unique tool that allows one to carry out measurements of millimeter dimensions with nanometer accuracy. The results obtained can be used for metrological assessment of the step height and step width, when calibrating measuring instruments in the nanometer range, roughness measures in a large range when calibrating profilometers and contourographs, as well as templates and micrometer objects for measuring high-precision microscopes.

About the Authors

A. A. Bagdun
Belarusian State Institute of Metrology

Alexandr A. Bagdun – Leading Metrology Engineer – Researcher of the Production and Research Department for Measuring Geometric Quantities

Starovilensky Trakt, 93, 220053, Minsk 

V. L. Solomakho
Belarusian National Technical University

Vladimir L. Solomakho – D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor

65, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220013, Minsk 


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