
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Establishment of criteria for gamma-analysis of individual dose distributions during verification of radiotherapy high-tech treatment plans for cancer patients


A typical process for verification of treatment plans in intensity-modulated radiation therapy is described. The main errors and uncertainties that arise in the course of planning dose distribution and in the process of dose delivery are listed. Methods for comparing dose distributions are considered: the distance to agreement (DTA) and the test for the algebraic dose difference. Formulas for calculating the shift of points of dose distributions, as well as the minimum value of the shift of points, are provided. The influences of global and local normalization and spatial resolution on the interpretation of the results obtained are defined. A methodology for determining reasonable criteria for gamma-analysis of individual dose distributions when verifying plans for irradiation of cancer patients using high-tech radiation therapy methods has been developed. Using the procedure proposed by the authors to establish action limits and tolerances will make it possible to assess the quality of medical care provided in healthcare institutions when using high-tech radiotherapy methods

About the Authors

M. N. Piatkevich
N. N. Aleksandrov National Cancer Center Republic of Belarus

Maksim N. Piatkevich – Head of the Department for Engineering Support of Radiation Therapy

agro-town Lesnoy, 223040, Minsk Disrtict, Minsk Region 

H. I. Brynkevich
N. N. Aleksandrov National Cancer Center Republic of Belarus

Hanna I. Brynkevich – Medical Physicist

agrotown Lesnoy, 223040, Minsk Disrtict, Minsk Region 

E. V. Titovich
International Atomic Energy Agency

Egor V. Titovich – Associate Database Officer (Medical Physics)

PO Box 100, 1400, Vienna 


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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)