
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Heat and mass transfer by generalized complex variables during heat treatment and drying of thermal insulation materials


The results of processing experimental data on heat treatment in drying processes of thin thermal insulation materials are presented. As a result of processing the experimental data by generalized complex variables, formulas for determining the heat flux density, average integral temperatures, the intensity of moisture evaporation, and the duration of the heat treatment process of materials were obtained. Based on the elements of the thermal regular regime theory, formulas for determining the rate of heating of the wet body and the rate of loss of moisture content have been established by processing experimental data using the least squares method. The conditions of the drying process in the regular mode are considered. Processing experimental data with generalized complex variables allows you to move from one coordinate system to another, from one variable to another, without performing additional time-consuming experiments. Based on the equation of drying kinetics and the generalized drying curve, the relationship between the dimensionless heat flux and the relative drying rate is given. For the single-zone method of calculating the drying rate curve, an approximate relationship for determining the relative drying rate is given. The relationship between material surface temperature and the relative drying rate in the heat treatment processes of ceramic tiles, asbestos sheets, wool felts was established. All of the above formulas were used to check the reliability of the obtained dependencies, as well as to compare the calculated values of the main parameters of the drying kinetics with the experiment.

About the Authors

A. I. Ol’shanskii
Vitebsk State Technological University

Anatolii I. Ol’shanskii – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor at the Department of Heat Power Engineering

72, Moskovsky Ave., 210035, Vitebsk

A. A. Kotow
Vitebsk State Technological University

Alexej A. Kotow – Assistant at the Department of Heat Power Engineering

72, Moskovsky Ave., 210035, Vitebsk

S. M. Kuzmenkov
Vitebsk State Technological University

Sergey M. Kuzmenkov – Assistant at the Department of Mechanical Engineering

72, Moskovsky Ave., 210035, Vitebsk


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