Numerical simulation of heat transfer and hydraulic losses of air-cooled exhaust-shaft apparatuses
The article presents the numerical simulation results on heat transfer and hydraulic losses of air-cooled exhaust-shaft apparatuses. Studies were made on air-cooled apparatuses in which four-row bundles of staggered finned tubes were placed. Numerical simulation used a gas dynamic solver Ansys Fluent. Menter’s shear stress transport κ-ω model was invited to close the Reynolds equations. The obtained numerical results allowed us to visualize air flow in the bundle and the exhaust shaft, as well as to establish an inhomogeneous distribution of velocities and temperatures. We found that the temperature distribution in the flow passing through the exhaust shaft depends on the height of the exhaust shaft. We also established that at small shaft heights in the wake behind a bundle because of the wake oscillatory motion, the dynamic and temperature inhomogeneous distributions take place, resulting in the cold air suction through the shaft from the environment. With an increase in the shaft height, the inhomogeneous temperature distribution moves upstream the air flow in the shaft and the inhomogeneous temperature distribution attenuates. We can say that maximum heat transfer at the same hydraulic losses is achieved when mounting a shaft with a height of H > 1.16 m. The results obtained can be used for the modernization of existing air-cooled apparatus, as well as for the design of new devices with an exhaust shaft.
About the Authors
G. S. MarshalovaBelarus
Galina S. Marshalova – Ph. D. (Engineering), Scientific
Researcher of the Laboratory of Turbulence,; Assistant of the Department
15, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk;13a, Sverdlov Str., 220006, Minsk
T. A. Baranova
Tatiana A. Baranova – Researcher of the Laboratory of
15, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
Yu. V. Zhukova
Yulia V. Zhukova – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics),
Associate Professor
15, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
A. D. Chorny
Andrei D. Chorny – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics),
Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Turbulence
15, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
A. B. Sukhotsky
Al’bert B. Sukhotskii – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate
13a, Sverdlov Str., 220006, Minsk
E. S. Danil’chik
Ekaterina S. Danil’chik – Junior Researcher; Junior Scientific Researcher of the Laboratory of Turbulence
13a, Sverdlov Str., 220006, Minsk; 15, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
A. A. Mironov
Russian Federation
Aleksandr A. Mironov – Engineer
10, K. Marx Str., 420111, Kazan
R. G. Kаdyrov
Russian Federation
Ruslan G. Kadyrov – Postgraduate Student
10, K. Marx Str., 420111, Kazan
I. A. Popov
Russian Federation
Igor A. Popov – Corresponding Member of the
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, D. Sc.
(Engineering), Professor
10, K. Marx Str., 420111, Kazan
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