
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Investigation of cultivation temperature effect on surface topography and mechanical properties of a human lung cancer cell line A549


The results of study the effect of temperature on the culture surface topography and mechanical properties of human lung cancer cell line A549 by atomic force microscopy are presented. It is shown that lowering the temperature of cultivation does not lead to significant changes in the mechanical properties of A549 cells, but the cells under the influence of low temperatures tend to increase the adhesive force between the probe tip to the membrane surface.

About the Authors

E. S. Drozd
Институт тепло- и массообмена им. А. В. Лыкова НАН Беларуси, Генуэзский университет

A. A. Mohammed Salem
Белорусский национальный технический университет

O. S. Spiridonova
Институт тепло- и массообмена им. А. В. Лыкова НАН Беларуси

N. S. Kuzhel
Институт тепло- и массообмена им. А. В. Лыкова НАН Беларуси

S. A. Chizhik
Институт тепло- и массообмена им. А. В. Лыкова НАН Беларуси


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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)