
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Preparation of feedstock for potassium chloride granulation plants


The assessment of existing technological solutions in the field of preparation of feedstock for potassium chloride granulation plants of silvinite processing plants of JSC “Belaruskali”, compliance of these solutions with the developed theoretical concepts and recommendations was carried out. It has been established that in the granulation departments of factories with the flotation method of enrichment at the stage of homogenization of the charge by granulation composition and humidity, and the improvement of its crystal structure, the process of particle agglomeration is not efficient enough due to the technical imperfection of the used agglomerators. At the same time, there is a significant overspending of the structure-forming reagent compared to the amount calculated in accordance with the stoichiometry of calcium and magnesium ions, which leads to excessive contamination of the finished product with sodium carbonate. To eliminate the identified drawback, it is proposed to use as an agglomeration device a turbo-blade agglomerator mixer of the TLA-080 brand manufactured by the JSC “Soligorsk Institute of Resources Saving Problems with Pilot Production”, specially designed for agglomeration of potassium chloride. It has been established that an increase in the physico-mechanical and physico-chemical characteristics of granulated potassium chloride of a processing plant with a halurgic enrichment method can be achieved by introducing the developed technology of structural agglomeration of the charge entering the granulation plants in turbo-bladе agglomeration mixers of the TLA-080 brand without the use of structure-forming reagents.

About the Authors

O. M. Volchek
Baranovichi State University

Olga М. Volchek – Senior Lecturer.

21, Voikov Str., 225404, Baranovichi, Brest Region

V. Ya. Prushak
Soligorsk Institute of Resources Saving Problems with Pilot Production

Viktor Ya. Prushak – Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Dr. Sci. (Engineering), Professor, Technical Director.

69, Kozlov Str., 223710, Soligorsk, Minsk Region


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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)