
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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The effectiveness of mechanisms of heterogeneous and homogeneous inhibition of flame particles taking by extinguishing powder particles, into account the rate of their formation


The relevance of the work is due to the need to improve the technology of extinguishing fire with extinguishing powders based on the study of the laws of the physicochemical processes of interrupting chain combustion reactions, in particular, heterogeneous and homogeneous mechanisms of inhibition of active flame centers by powder particles. The aim of the work is to evaluate the effectiveness of non-stationary mechanisms of heterogeneous and homogeneous inhibition of active flame particles by fire extinguishing powder particles taking into account the rate of their birth, as well as to compare the contributions of each of the mechanisms to the result of fire extinguishing. Mathematical modeling of the mechanisms of heterogeneous and homogeneous inhibition of active flame particles by fire extinguishing powder particles is carried out, taking into account the rate of birth of active particles of in flame. The theoretical dependences of the rates of reactions of heterogeneous and homogeneous inhibition of active flame particles on the dispersed characteristics of powder particles, their residence time in the zone of flame and the characteristic durations of inhibition reactions are obtained. It is established that the condition for the effective recovery inhibition of active particles of flame by the mechanisms under consideration is exceeding the time of interaction of powder particles with active flame particles over the duration of inhibition processes, as well as an excess of the rate of inhibition of active flame particles over the rate of their birth. The rate of inhibition of active particles of flame depends on the particle size of the extinguishing powder, namely, the smaller the particle size of the powder, the greater the rate of inhibition. This dependence is observed explicitly for the mechanism of heterogeneous inhibition of active particles of flame and implicitly for the mechanism of homogeneous inhibition through the dependence of the rate of thermal production of metal oxide radicals of the extinguishing powder involved in this process on the size of the powder particles. The presence of two stages in the implementation of the mechanism of homogeneous inhibition of active flame particles (thermal production of metal oxide radicals of the powder substances used and the inhibition process itself) allows us to consider this mechanism of extraction of active particles longer than the mechanism of heterogeneous reduction, and, therefore, it does not significantly contribute to the chemical process of extinguishing a fire.

About the Author

A. I. Kitsak
Research Institute of Fire Safety and Emergencies of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus

Аnatoli I. Kitsak – Cand. Sci. (Physics and Mathematics), Leading Researcher of the Research Department of Automatic Means of Detection and Elimination of Emergencies at Research Institute of Fire Safety and Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus.

183а, Soltys Str., 220046, Minsk


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ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
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