
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Structure of software and hardware module for research of DC electrical machines. Part 1


The structure of a hardware and software complex for the study of DC electric machines and a mathematical model of its electromechanical part taking into account the influence of temperature on the resistance of the armature winding have been developed. The hardware and software complex is implemented on the Arduino Uno board. A distinctive feature of which is the modular structure, which allows conducting research on DC electric machines in various operating modes (start-up, armature speed control, reversing, braking). In addition, it is possible to implement various laws of changing the load moment. For this purpose, the hardware and software module include the studied and load DC electric machines, which are mechanically connected to each other by means of a coupling and operate in motor and generator modes, respectively. The proposed model makes it possible to describe electromagnetic processes in DC electric machines taking into account the influence of temperature on the resistance of the armature winding, as well as overheating of individual parts of the electric machine. The proposed hardware and software module can find practical application in research laboratories in the study of DC electric machines in various operating modes.

About the Authors

A. B. Menzhinsky
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus

Andrey B. Menzhinsky – Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department

220, Nezavisimosty Ave., 220057, Minsk

S. V. Panteleev
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus

Stanislav V. Panteleev – Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Department

220, Nezavisimosty Ave., 220057, Minsk

P. B. Menzhinsky
Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala

Pavel B. Menzhinsky – Master of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department

22, Ozheshko Str., 230023, Grodno

A. L. Sitsko
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus

Alexander L. Sitsko – Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department

220, Nezavisimosty Ave., 220057, Minsk


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