
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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The device-process simulation of p–n+ junction in rectangular and cylindrical coordinate systems


The silicon p–n+ junction device-process modeling in both rectangular (Cartesian) and cylindrical coordinate systems was executed. In this semiconductor structure the p-region is the base and the n+-region performs the function of an emitter in an n–p–n-type bipolar transistor. The structure of the p–n+ junction explored in this work was obtained in accordance with the manufacturing process by two-dimensional modeling using the TSuprem4 program, which is part of the Synopsys software package. The process simulation allowed  determination of constructive-technological parameters of investigated p–n+ junction structure, which made it possible to carry out its device modeling in cylindrical and Cartesian coordinate systems using the Medici program, which is also part of the Synopsys software package. Direct and reverse branches of the p–n+ junction current-voltage characteristic were computed for modeling cases in these types of coordinate systems and, accordingly, a number of the junction structure electrophysical parameters were determined as a result of calculations performed by Medici. By comparing the data obtained by the method of device-process modeling it was found that the considered structure can be calculated in both types of coordinate systems with a high degree of accuracy, since the dispersion  of constructive-technological parameters defined by technological modeling in different coordinate systems was 2.6–7.4 %, and the dispersion of electrophysical parameters calculated by in device simulation was 0.09–8.64 %. The obtained research results were applied in the design of new electronic products based on one or more p–n junctions, in the development and optimization of its making process flows.

About the Author

N. L. Lagunovich
Affiliate Research & Design Center “Belmicrosystems” of Openly Joint-Stock Company “INTEGRAL” – “INTEGRAL” Holding Managing Company

Nataliya L. Lagunovich – Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Advanced Engineer

12, Korzhenevskii Str., 220108, Minsk


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