No 1 (2016)
5-13 516
Relevant trends in induction heating technology and equipment are analyzed. Capability of application of mathematical tools in simulation of induction heating of high-alloy steel billets with composite variable cross-section is shown. Aspects of development of the modern technology of induction heating with a view to heat treatment and metal straining are examined. Designs and operating principles of modern automated complexes of induction heating are described.
14-20 646
Performance of elastic elements of automobile manufacturing and agricultural machinery is dependent on the state of the surface layer. Thus, strength, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, durability and reliability are determined by the state of surface layer of a product, which usually starts the destruction of material. Strengthening processing by superficial plastic deformation superimposed ultrasonic vibrations of high power allows the surface layers of products to create compressive residual stresses and micro- and nanostructured state. A method of ultrasonic treatment of the elastic plate and the inner surfaces of solids of revolution, developed by the authors, as well as ways and means for dispersing powders using powerful ultrasound are proposed.
21-27 1190
Variation and local surface distribution of electron work function for a number of chromium steels bombarded with high-current density nitrogen ions beam at different temperatures have been investigated. Data obtained are compared with results of chemical composition analysis, analysis of microhardness and microstructure of blocks, data of wear and corrosion tests. Correlation between electron work function, microstructure and physical-mechanical properties of ion implanted surface layers has been established. It has been demonstrated that surface areas with the biggest local value of electron work function reveal the most intensive corrosion rupture. Ion beam induced structural defects create local electrical disturbances, which significantly influence electron work function.
28-35 665
Processes occurring in metal films by laser irradiation are reviewed. Driving force of recrystallization, grain growth issues, education grooves of thermal etching, the formation of pores are considered. The preparation of nanoparticles in liquids by laser ablation is also addressed.
36-42 765
Methods of optical staining are considered for metallography. Optical effects are reviewed for surfaces of samples during the analysis process using aperture diaphragm, dark-field illumination, polarized light and chromatic illumination. The application of differential interference contrast (DIC) is illustrated for composite surface analysis.
43-50 812
At present Belarus school of thought that unites cross-wedge rolling researchers and manufacturing engineers is recognized as one of the world leading schools of thought in this field. Major achievements of Belarus school of thought have been described. Main tendencies of cross-wedge rolling theory development are investigated. New cross-wedge rolling technologies and equipment have been presented.
51-55 574
A cathode arc carbon plasma in a vacuum as well as in an atmosphere of acetylene at a pressure of 0.2 to 2.0 Pa during the deposition of diamond-like carbon coatings is considered. Pulse-periodic plasma fluxes are generated as a result of graphite cathode sputtering in a four-electrode arc system with self-recovering thin-film conductor of ignition device. With the use of Langmuir probes it was found that the substrate is under accelerating floating potential of - (15-35) V. The electron energy distribution function was found to be Maxwellian one with electron temperature of about 50 eV. Velocity of the most high-energy electrons of plasma flux exceeds 30 km/s while the velocity of directional motion of plasma amounts to 20 km/s in vacuum and 8 km/s in acetylene gas. So when applying a pulsed arc in acetylene atmosphere the noticeable decrease of carbon ions energy from 30 down to 4 eV is observed in comparison with a vacuum cathodic arc.
56-61 786
A way of generation of protective nanostructural coatings from separated multicomponent plasma flows is suggested. The influence of elemental composition on their structure-mechanical characteristics was studied. It's found, multicomponent coatings are characterized by the dense super fine-grained structure, possess enhanced antifriction and anticorrosion properties in comparison with nitride titanium coatings.
62-74 452
New scientific data are presented considering chemical hardening of metal-containing wastes with organic contaminants (oily cast iron turnings, scale, and polishing sludge with oil content up to 10 mass%. If oils are oxidized and their components are simultaneously transformed into cleaner condition by baling (without high pressure), it is accompanied by formation of basic salts such as (MgOH)3PO4 or (MgOHAlO2 + (MgOH)2SiO3) at co-mixing of excessive amounts of clay (alkaline), lack of magnesite and the acidic medium. When iron contacts the acid, light acid film is decomposed, and a denser phosphate film is formed (phosphate), it promotes good adhesion and provides the required strength of bales. Introducing up to 30% of bales with metal-containing wastes with organic contaminants into charge of furnace according to the developed technology provides an increase up to 70% of the amount of pearlite in the metal base of iron while its dispersion is improving up to 1.4Pd -0.3Pd, and a significant amount of fine hardening phases is formed.
75-79 512
A structure of zirconium carbonitride coatings obtained by an arc cathodic deposition in the medium of reactant mixture of nitrogen and acetylene was investigated. Using X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy it was shown that the coatings consist of both ultra dispersive δ phase zirconium carbonitride and amorphous carbon containing considerable amount of sp3 bonds. The coatings were textured greatly with texture axis (111). The texture degree influenced a substrate material like tool steel X12M and cemented carbide BK6.
80-92 717
Development of metal forming technologies with the use of fluid or pseudo-fluid media in application to difficult-to-deform and low-plastic materials is described. Two technological directions are considered: (i) hot hydrodynamic extrusion of cast iron articles using electrode graphite as a pseudo-fluid medium, and (ii) cold impact hydroforming of sheet materials using a liquid (a machining emulsion) and pseudo-fluid (polyurethane) medium. The most important achievements of the Physical Technical Institute in both of these directions and their advantages are described.
93-98 2024
Rresults of investigation of the crystal structure and magnetic properties of the nanoparticles of transition metals ferrites (cobalt, nickel, manganese) synthesized by unified methods using direct sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles are presented. Crystal structure of the samples was investigated by X-ray diffraction on DRON-3M (in the CuKa-radiation). Particle size was investigated by transmission electron microscopy on microscope JEOL JEM-1011 (accelerating voltage 100 kV). All powders contain nanoparticles of the same size in the range 2-6 nm. Magnetic properties of the samples were estimated from temperature and field dependences of the magnetization. All samples exhibit properties of superparamagnets with different blocking temperatures below 45 K.
99-105 528
Results of a study of state and load of near-the-kmgwall space in selective and gross longwalls with poorly caving roof without pillar of excavation at the third layer of potassium salts of the Starobin deposit are presented. The dependence of the main indicators of exhibition of rock pressure on mining speed is obtained. The nature of pressure distribution along the length of excavation is determined.
106-110 482
A method of application of GIS-technology for space 3D-modelling of process atmosphere pollution was proposed. A space 3D-modell of process of industrial pollution of air was presented.
111-118 579
A method of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) is described. It has been verified and substantiatied that the parameters of FMR can be used for studying of dislocation structure of surface of ferromagnetics at depth of 10-6-10-7 m. The schematic and the electric circuit of the FMR radiospectrometer is described. The monotonous change of magnetic field of inductive coil of FMR spectrometer by change of tension from five to three hundred volts is carried out. A software is developed and with use of the analog-digital converter (ADC) automation of the registered parameters is carried out.
119-128 557
A analysis of physical processes in TWT on folded waveguide with a consecutive and parallel arrangement of sections concerning electronic beams is carried out. Features and advantages of different construction of amplifiers are noted. It is shown, that the calculated gain of two-and threesections TWT can reach 25-60 dB in the band of frequencies 0,14-3 THz.
ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)