
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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Vol 64, No 2 (2019)
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135-142 723

The article describes a possible way of introducing nanoscale powders into energy-saturated heterogeneous composite materials (ECM). By the example of polydispersed nanoscale carbon, the main well-known methods for introducing nanoscale components into dispersed and high-viscosity colloidal systems have been studied, their effectiveness has been evaluated, and limitations have been revealed. The main influencing factors on the uniform distribution of nanoscale components in the volume of the composite material and the ways of leveling their influence have beenfound. A technological scheme has been proposed for increasing the distribution uniformity of nanoscale components due to their preliminary deposition on the surface of the material prevailing in quantity of dispersed component while limiting the growth of its specific surface as a method of further reduction of the viscosity of the energy-saturated heterogeneous composite material at the stage of mixing its liquid and solid phases.

The rate of change of the form factor, specific surface and distribution of the nanoscale diamond-containing additive over the particle surface of ammonium salt of perchloric acid has been studied depending on the modes of mixing the components in a gravity mixer. Acceptable technological mixing modes have been found.

The main tasks of further study of phenomena arising at the phase boundary when introducing nanoscale additives into the dispersed medium of ECM have been determined.

143-156 594

The effect of ultrasound oscillations (USO) on the velocity and temperature of combustion during self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) in the Ti-B system and structural and phase states of the produced titanium borides is studied using the earlier developed experimental setup. The effect of USO on SHS is subdivided into thermal and physical (non-thermal). The thermal influence is connected with cooling of the specimen surface because of the occurrence of forced convection of the ambient gas, and the physical effect is due to the action of USO on complex interaction processes in the SHS wave such as melt spreading, heterogeneous reactions and mass transfer in the liquid phase. Imposition of USO on the SHS process brings about changes in the phase composition of the synthesis products. For charge composition Ti–1.0В the content of orthorhombic modification of phase TiB increases from 78.2 % without USO to 82.9 % at the USO amplitude ξ = 10 mm, while the content of the cubic modification of this phase decreases from 9.2 % at ξ= 0 to 6.8 % at ξ = 10 mm. For all the examined compositions, the amount of residual titanium and Ti3B4 decreases and the content of TiB2 increases. It is determined that carrying out SHS in the field of USO results in a change of the specific heat capacity of the target synthesis products: with raising the USO amplitude it increases by 4–5 %. Thereby it is shown that imposition of USO on SHS is an efficient physical method for purposeful regulation of structural and phase states and therefore properties of the synthesis products and can be used as a means for controlling the synthesis process.

157-165 723

Anodizing of aluminum and its alloys is widely used in various fields of science and technology. The process of modifying porous anodic aluminum oxide with ultradispersed diamond (UDD) particles to improve the mechanical characteristics of coatings requires additional study. UDD was modified by consistent heat treatment at 40 °C and 120 °C. The results of the UDD surface modification were controlled by IR spectroscopy. The surface state analysis was carried out using the PMT-3 microhardnessmeter, the SolverPro P47 atomic-force microscope (AFM), and the experimental probe-electrometry device. One of the ways to improve the mechanical characteristics of such coatings is the use of ultradispersed diamonds with respective pretreatment of their surface. The article presents the results of a study of the influence of additives of ultradispersed diamonds with different functional surface composition in an acid electrolyte to form coatings of porous anodic alumina on the surface of AMg-2 aluminum alloy substrates by electrochemical oxidation. An increase in the microhardness and wear resistance of anodic oxide coatings formed on aluminum alloy substrates after various post-growth heat treatments is noted. It is shown that using a combined method based on doping anodic alumina in the process of synthesis with modified ultradispersed diamonds and post-growth annealing of the coatings obtained in vacuum at T = 500 °C, it is possible to obtain a composite material that is 2 times higher in hardness and 3 times higher in wear resistance compared to the initial coating. The research results can be used to create a new generation of radiation-resistant heat-removing bases, nano and micromechanical devices, elements of passive and active electronics, high-quality parts for spacecraft and satellites on modern composite materials.

166-174 785

Carbon nanotube (CNT)-reinforced powder nanocomposites based on copper matrix were successfully fabricated using a spark plasma sintering method. In this work, the mechanisms of hardening the metal matrix with nanosized filler particles were shown. A comparative analysis of the calculated and experimental values of the ultimate compressive strength for samples based on the copper matrix and carbon nanotubes was performed. Linear and root-mean-square models of hardening of composite materials with nano-sized filler were presented. The root-mean-square model allowed us to calculate reliably the values of the ultimate compressive strength at a concentration of CNT in the material up to 0.07 wt.%. The ultimate compressive strength decreases sharply when the content of CNTs in the material is more than 0.07 wt.%. The Orovan mechanism is the predominant mechanism of strengthening of composite materials: copper – CNT. The predominance of Orovan mechanism over other strengthening mechanisms is explained by the relatively low transfer efficiency of the load between the initial components of the material due to the weak interfacial connection between the matrix and the filler, the insufficiently uniform distribution of CNTs in the metal matrix, the agglomeration of nanosized filler, the location of a certain number of CNTs in the pore space of the metal matrix, the presence of pores of irregular shape. The results of the work were used in the development of new antifriction composite materials with improved strength properties for friction units of machines and mechanisms for various purposes.


175-181 648

The peculiarity of cross-wedge rolling with one tool is the workpiece deformation with one tool and the fact that the workpiece is not supported with the tool from the opposite side. On both sides of the tool outside the contact with the workpiece, the workpiece is fixed with pairs of upper and lower tools, by means of which the axis of the workpiece is held in a constant position. Such conditions of rolling qualitatively change the deformation zone and, as a result, the stress-strain state.

The change in the stress-strain state was qualitatively estimated by comparing the fields of slip lines in the traditional two-tools cross rolling and one-tool cross rolling. One-tool cross rolling increases the normal and average stress at the contact by 7.8–14.5 %, changes the average stress of the specimen from tensile to compressive one in the axial region. This circumstance significantly increases the resource of plasticity and allows rolling metals with limited plasticity without opening the axial cavity. Comparative studies of the stress-strain state from the traditional two-tools cross-wedge rolling and one-tool cross-wedge rolling in the axial region of the workpiece have been carried out by computer simulation.

182-189 772

The constitutive equations are formulated for the case when the process point is located at the singular point of the deviator section of the yield surface. The main parameter of Murnaghan’s elastic-plastic material is selected – the relative part of the dissipated specific power of deformation. This value depends on the type of stress-strain state, strain rate and material loading history. This dependence is due to the rational choice of the growth parameter of the elastic deformation anisotropy, which ensures its minimum value. Complex programs in FORTRAN language have been developed and the pure shift process has been numerically simulated. The results of calculations of the process carried out before the moment of material destruction according to the proposed non-standard fracture criterion are presented. The phenomenon of increasing the plasticity of the material for pure shear with applied high hydrostatic pressure is described. Bridgman’s experimental data on the presence of a threshold pressure value for hard-to-deform metals is confirmed.


190-204 1076

The prospect of use of fuel in the form of micro particles (balls with a diameter about a millimeter formed by the fissile material and a protective cover to hold the radioactive fission products) in nuclear reactors is disclosed. It’s marked that flow ability, large specific surface of heat removal, extraordinary high resistance of micro fuel particles allow to design innovative safe reactors for various purpose: transportable, breeders, high-temperature, high neutron flux etc. It’s suggested to complete the active zone by bulk heat releasing assemblies. In them the advantages of spherical micro fuel particles and a coolant side supply to the bed through permeable distribution and branch channels are harmoniously combined in these assembles. It is presented the scheme of bulk assemblies and carried out the analysis of modeling of dynamics of a stream in permeable channels. It is shown that the mathematical description of liquid movement in such channels has ambiguity and discrepancy. To eliminate modeling shortcomings a new kinematic image of current in the permeable channels was offered. It was proposed instead of the existing one representing a jet to which particles of coolant were continuously joined or separated on the permeable wall. In the new interpretation the flow in the permeable channel is considered as turn of the stream at its simultaneous expansion or narrowing depending on there is outflow or inflow. On the base of this image the equation for determination of coolant pressure changing in the permeable channel is obtained; reaction of a stream for changing of flow rate increment is established, the tangent component of a velocity on a permeable wall is founded. Thereby the disadvantages of describing of coolant moving in the bulk assembles channels are eliminated. Permeable channels are used not only in nuclear reactors, but also in many other technological devices: catalytic reactors, heat exchangers, filters, collector and distributing systems. The obtained results can be used for designing other devices with permeable channels.

205-214 687

When developing new or upgrading existing energy-intensive mobile objects (MO), the main way to ensure the quality parameters of the supply voltage is no worse than in the state grid, overestimation of the primary source (PS) power is 1.5–2 times relative to the maximum power of all electrical energy consumers (EEC) software.

The consequence of the existing approach to determine the power of PS are: overestimation of the mass and dimensions of the autonomous power supply system (APSS) by 30–70 %, which significantly reduces speed characteristics, cross-country performance and battery autonomy of MO, as well as worsen the economics of the APSS; the workload of the PS APSS is not more than 35–55 % of the nominal capacity, which leads to a reduction in their service lives.

Thus, it is impossible to take into account the peculiarities of the actual current consumption of individual EEC and the impact of their joint operation on specific PS APSS, which leads to additional financial costs and an increase in development time, as well as to the risk of failure during the testing of both the APSS and the equipment connected to it.

The proposed approach for estimating the PS power of electric energy in APSS MO allows determining the full power of the EEC in terms of limited information about the EEC taking into account the nature of the load graph, as well as the magnitude and form of current consumption. As a result of analytical calculations according to the above methodology, the PS power can be reduced by 13–45 %, depending on the nature of the load, while maintaining the quality indicators of the supply voltage within acceptable limits.

The considered methods for determining the power of the PS APSS will make it possible to determine the limitations for solving the problem of structural-parametric synthesis of the APSS and the algorithm for determining the power of the PS when developing a new or upgrading the existing APSS MO. This will reduce the weight and size parameters of the APSS, thereby increasing the speed characteristics, maneuverability and software permeability of MO, as well as the autonomous operation time and efficiency of the APSS operation.


215-231 905

An algorithm for segmentation of images of atomic force microscopy is developed by using wave-growing regions around local maxima as a result of adjoining neighboring pixels to them, selected in descending order of values. The essence of the algorithm is to use the brightness threshold, gradually changing from maximum to minimum, to select growth points or to join existing areas. The features of the developed segmentation algorithm are iteratively expandable boundaries, the choice of initial growth points and points attached to regions with a focus on threshold values with a gradual decrease from maximum to minimum. These features made it possible to eliminate the segmentation errors of the AFM images, characteristic of the algorithms of the marker watershed, the cultivation of areas and the watershed using the classical Vincent–Sollie algorithm, which are commonly used. The developed algorithm was compared with standard algorithms such as: classic watershed algorithm, marker watershed, growing areas. The comparison was carried out on test and original AFM images. The algorithms were implemented in Matlab and C ++. A set of binary masks was used to quantify segmentation errors. The results showed that the developed algorithm provides the selection of the boundaries of the regions without errors and a higher segmentation rate in comparison with the algorithms of growing the regions and the Vincent–Sollie watershed. The result can be used to process AFM images of the surfaces of inorganic materials in the submicro and nano range.

232-239 913

In radars with linear beam scanning the angular resolution is determined by the width of the antenna pattern. The traditional way to increase this resolution is to enlarge the size of the antenna aperture, which is limited by technical capabilities. It is possible to achieve an increase in the angular resolution by using special methods for processing the received signals, which make it possible to synthesize the antenna pattern with the desired width. The aim of the work was to develop such method for synthesizing of radar antenna pattern with linear beam scanning and amplitude signal processing. A method for the synthesis of the antenna patterns with a given width, determined by the distance between the zeros of the first side lobes is proposed. This is reached by simultaneous processing of delayed signals in the output of the receiver and its summations. The method of pattern synthesis is based on the choice of the optimality criterion by minimizing the quadratic loss function. This function includes a term that minimizes the noise variance at the output of the receiver, as well as terms that take into account linear restrictions on the antenna pattern amplitude and width. The solution to the problem is carried out on the basis of the method of Lagrange multipliers with linear constraints.

The capabilities of the method are shown in model examples of the synthesis of antenna patterns with different number of measurement channels. It is assumed that the initial diagram is described by a Gaussian function. The cases of uniform and nonuniform distribution of angles in the range of the initial antenna pattern are considered. The dependence of the signal-tonoise ratio on the number of directional patterns and the amplitude of the side lobes is investigated.


240-252 667

Gas-dynamic danger of Krasnoslobodsky fracture zone in Starobin Deposit of potassium salts was investigated. The study was carried out taking into account the existing ideas about the mechanism of formation of foci of gas-dynamic phenomena in the salt rock mass of the field, as well as taking into account the results of seismic and hydrogeological studies of the fault zone and the revealed patterns of distribution of gas-dynamic phenomena over the field area. The features of the geological structure of Krasnoslobodsky fracture zone in the upper salt stratum containing layers of potash ore are established. The features of the mechanism of evolution of hydrodynamic systems in fault zones are revealed. It was found that the functional system of halogen metasomatosis in these zones of the rock mass was not shielded, so that the absorption zone of the hydrodynamic system was located in the rocks of the clay-marl strata located above the upper salt strata and horizons of possible mining operations, and fractured rocks of the fault zone provided gas filtration from the system of voids formed during the evolution of hydrodynamic systems. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that in Krasnoslobodsky fracture zone within the upper salt layer there were no conditions for the formation of dangerous foci of gas-dynamic phenomena, such as sudden emissions of salt and gas and collapse of roof rocks. Accordingly, there is a possibility of safe mining operations, such as the penetration of intersecting workings through the fault zone.


ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)