
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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No 2 (2014)


5-8 464
Effect of axial ultrasound vibrations on the technological parameters of the 14­carat gold wire drawing process is described. It is shown that ultrasonic wire drawing through two wire­drawing die leads to decrease of the drawing load up to 40% and number of cycles from six to ten and to increase of the single and total deformation level up to 45% and 70% respectively.
9-11 509
A simple and accurate method of evaluating the quality of porous fiber materials sintering has been proposed. It does not use complex equipment and allows conducting tests on the same samples which were used to define their filtering properties.
12-18 643
Methods of X ­ray analysis and scanning electron microscopy have been used for investigating the structure of rapidly quenched Al-12 mass % Cu alloy after carrying out the annealing treatments in the temperature range of existence of solid and liquid phases. It is established that a rapid heating of micro­castings results in dissolution and dispersion of Q-phase plate­ like particles in a-solid solution. The formation of liquid phase at the temperatures lower than eutectic one occurs by the mechanism of metastable contact melting that prevails over the mechanism of monotropic melting. The liquid phase is suspension of ultradisperse particles of Q-phase in metastable aluminum­copper melt.
19-23 573
Technological methods for the formation of 30-70 mm thick free porous one­layer Al2O3 membranes with open­ended modificated pores from 50 to 90 nm in diameters by a two­stage one­sided anodization in oxalic acid electrolyte and combined method for the barrier layer removal were developed. Technological features for the fabrication of 73-216 μm thick porous two­layer Al2O3 membranes with 55 nm pores diameters by a two­sided through anodization and subsequent bipolar anodization for local internal Al inclusions removal were studied.
24-26 513
Analysis of the surface­enhanced Raman spectra (SERS) of cytochrome P450 7B1 (CYP7B1) shows, that CYP7B1 is ad­ sorbed irreversibly on silver surface, functionalized by TGA, 2­AET. It was concluded that CYP7B1 with DHEA, modified by MUA, is a suitable system to analyze by SERS the structure of protein without denaturation.


27-32 449
Advantages of application of a way of time­and­frequency transformation of a signal with use the digital of strip filters are considered. At them the width of a pass­band of a signal is established by a variable. It allows to realise time localisation and to consider short splashes in analyzed process. Thus there is no necessity for very long input realisations.
33-37 506
To ensure quality clutch engagement in automatic mode during starting and maneuvering the control range of clutch actuator has to be maximum wide. It depends on the consistency of the actuator geometric parameters, solenoid valve characteristic, controller output stage and PWM frequency. In addition to electronic control the driver must be able to ma­ nually operate the clutch in emergency. That’s why clutch must have two independent control circuits. The objective of this study was to develop clutch automated drive with a duplicate circuit and research the influence of the PWM frequency to the control range of pneumatically actuated friction clutch.


38-44 494
Possibility in principle of VVER-1200 spent fuel assemblies utilization as a source of gamma radiation for radiotechnology is grounded. The possibility is revealed because of high burn­up fraction of nuclear fuel in recent power reactors.
45-50 574
Correlation dependencies have been obtained to determine the burn­out and content of actinides in spent nuclear fuel based on an analysis of published experimental data on the definition of burnout and isotopic composition of spent nuclear fuel rods for samples of PWR and VVER reactor types using statistical methods. Given dependencies of the mass concentration of actinides at the end of irradiation after checking for normality correspond to the initial experimental data. These relationships may be of interest to use for non­destructive methods for the purpose of express evaluation of spent nuclear fuel burnout at all stages of the nuclear cycle.
51-57 439
Experience of a software package development is represented. The best estimated approach has been utilized for codes DECA and RADRISK enhancement. The first one describes nuclear fuel burn up and fission product accumulation, the se­ cond one describes atmospheric diffusion of the radioactive materials and radiological doses assessments. A simulation model describing a disperse form of the released material has been applied in order to define realistic source term. The Kolmogorov’s law has been utilized to describe statistical characteristics of particles sizes of radioactive aerosol release. The results of the software package utilization provide realistic assessments of radiological consequences in case of accidents at the nu­ clear power plant.
58-69 477
The opportunities to improve the specific cooling power and cooling temperature of solid sorption refrigerator through a phase transition of sorbate in the pores of low­temperature sorbent are investigated by computer simulation method. In terms of adsorption refrigerator with MnCl2 and BaCl2 chemical sorbents impregnated into Busofit (for hig- and low-temperature adsorbers, respectively) it was shown that the use of an operating mode with sorbate condensation and evaporation can im­ prove the specific power of the device by 20% and double the average cooling temperature.
70-73 463
We developed a new approach to definition efficiency on the example of the design of compact shell­and­tube heat exchanger in which the heat transfer intensification is achieved by turbulence of boundary layer with corrugated tubes. The novelty lay with loss account of pressure drop in inlet and outlet manifolds and choice of optimal current scheme at comparison of intensified heat exchanger with heat exchanger smoothed tubes.
74-78 524
A technology for organo­polymeric materials treatment is presented. It is described on example of general mechanical rubber goods treatment that is an important ecological and economical problem. Inherently of a thermal processing of rubber goods is a scientific idea by which organic polymeric material, as well as rubber, is treated with steam at temperatures about 450-550 °С with further condensation of obtaining materials.
79-82 538
Organic mass plasma gasification investigations were carried out for nitrogen and air media in plasma reactor. Thermo­dynamic calculations were made for different regimes. The calculations were checked experimentally with plasma reactor.
83-87 514
Experimental investigations of liquid pharmacy production wastes samples processing were carried out. Temperature data and exhaust gas composition were obtained as a result of experiments. Analysis of the liquid fraction residue of every sample was carried out, and also analysis of exhaust gases for chlorine, cyanides and undecomposed chloroorganic substances presence was carried out.


88-95 475
The methods of noise signal and harmonic signal are considered. The number of existing advantages of the method of harmonic signal is defined. A method of broadband linear frequency modulation signal to reduce the methodical error estimates of speech intelligibility by increasing the frequency resolution is proposed. A reduction of the systematic error by broadband linear frequency modulation signal by the example of window guards is experimentally shown.


96-101 605
Optical technology of elimination the poisoning effect of carbon monoxide (CO) is proposed. This technology is based on the phenomenon of laser-induced photodissociation of carboxyhemoglobin in the blood vessels and capillaries. By numerical modeling of laser tissue interaction the carboxyhemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin action spectra in skin blood vessels are calculated. The criteria of effective ways of elimination the toxic action of carboxyhemoglobin under direct irradiation it on pulmonary alveoli, through the skin, intravenously and extracorporeal irradiation are considered.
102-109 696
Singularities of linearization technique are considered. Accuracy of approximation Gaussian probability density at con­ version of measurements from polar coordinates to Cartesian for various conditions of observation is estimated using Monte-Carlo method. Conditions of observation research for converted measurement Kalman filter goodness­of­fit are presented.
110-114 611
A possibility of increasing the linearity of phase­frequency characteristics in the broadband matching and filtering using a modification of the classical approximation functions is described. The results of the modified Chebyshev approximation function of the fifth order by the maximum group delay linearity and an analysis of the modified fifth­order Chebyshev function and its comparison with the classical fifth­order Chebyshev function under the same conditions are presented. The implementation of the modified fifth­order Chebyshev filter is shown. It is noted that the modified Chebyshev function of order 5 with respect to the classical Chebyshev function has less unevenness in the band matching (filtration), a smaller value of the approximation error on the integral criterion, a lower level of non­uniformity (PFC) in the band of negotiation (filtration).
115-119 537
The results of a three-stage gyroklystron - frequency doubler are shown. It is shown that at an gyroklystron output frequency 95 GGz, beam voltage 126.5 kV, current 29.5 A and the correct choice of the resonator Q , their offsets from the operating frequency and the resonator lengths and drift tubes can achieve 45% efficiency of the device at a gain of 40 dB and amplification band 95 MHz.
120-122 491
A possibility of creating a gyrotronon wave Н01 with reflective waveguide filters is reviewed. Electronic efficiency of the device at the same time can reach 30% at full efficiency 80%, and the band tuning 6%.


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ISSN 2524-244X (Online)