No 3 (2014)
5-9 467
A technique of application of methods of the theory of similarity for calculation of thermal physics of casting processes is suggested. It allows modelling of processes of solidification and cooling of castings from aluminium alloys in metallic moulds. Computation methods for heat transfer at the contact boundary: metallic mould - casting, are developed taking into account the gas gap, which changes in time and space. A similarity equation is obtained for the processes of filling of molds with liquid metal.
10-14 499
The mechanism and kinetics of electrodeposition of silver coatings from ammine-sulphate electrolyte are studied. Outgoing from a composition and properties of the electrolyte, the distribution of ionic forms in the bulk solution and in the pre-cathode layer has been calculated on the basis of equations of a steady-state diffusion. The mathematical modelling of the current-potential relationship and limiting currents are reviewed. The contribution of a diffusive overpotential to electrode polarization has been estimated. Modes of pulsed current have been optimized.
15-20 502
It is proposed a natural generalization of the technical theory of pure bending uniform prismatic beam of constant thickness and height to the case of a layered and composite linearly deformable beam. The averaged by Voigt and Reuss values of deformation parameters of the composite beam at pure bending are calculated. The effective values of the elastic moduli and the radius of curvature of the neutral layer of a flexible beam are obtained. It is established that the Hill's effective values of the elastic moduli at bending and uniaxial tension / compression of composite rods from linear elastic materials are the same.
21-26 519
The problems of structure formation in metals and alloys under their exposure to pulses of various nature are discussed on the basis of crystal shear stability. The structure formation of aluminum and copper alloys is considered during their thermal cyclic treatment using furnace and laser heating as well as under exposure to pulse magnetic field. It is shown that the structure formation in metals with high stacking-fault energy occurs due to glide and climb dislocation processes. Twinning is an alternative to dislocation glide for metals with low stacking-fault energy.
27-30 464
The results of studies of the effect of friction coefficient and thickness of а pipe wall on energy-force parameters of reverse extrusion process are shown. The evaluation of the stress-strain state and amounts of displacement matrix from the active forces of friction is made.
31-36 466
Metal plasticity as applied to non-monotonic cross-wedge rolling has been studied. A domain of plastic properties of billets with contained plasticity has been determined. It has been shown that the technology of cross-wedge rolling for such billets must be developed considering minimal utilization of the plasticity margin in the axial area of billets. There has been plotted the critical degree of the shear strain against the two parameters of the strain state - the mean stress and the third invariant of the stress deviator for a steel 40X billet at a temperature of 1370 K.
37-42 412
The porous materials as a totality of interrelated pores are examined. The high-temperature liquid vaporization through longitudinal channels from united internal volume is investigated. The analytical expression of the liquid evaporation velocity at adjacent pores is obtained.
43-46 466
The technical condition of the load-lifting cranes, belonging to the dangerous industrial objects, is defined by a technical condition of bearing metalworks and demands constant quality assurance of connections and units. Special danger is represented by welded seams near to which there are the local plastically deformed zones leading to the brittle behavior of metal and to crack formation. A method of an estimation of crack resistance, based on measurement in the specified zones of hardness on Brinell and definition on its value of level of plastic damage of metal, and also of the remained stock of plasticity, is offered. The method differs in simplicity of execution, profitability and high reliability of results of research. It allows to carry out the current control of a condition for the purpose of definition of degree of danger and an establishment of a deadline of service of a design.
47-56 485
The article states the basis laws of thermal processes of macaroni foods round moulds. The differential equation of thermal conductivity shows temperature allocation in any area of the mould. The thermal conductivity of the cylindrical die side has been examined. The mathematical model allows considering the temperature of different sections of the die side when the temperature of paste is known. The presentation of a new design of composite moulds with the temperature sensing elements and their rated basis, practical application is stated.
57-62 1171
An analytical dependence of electromagnetic field intensity on the geometrical parameters of details is established. Quality parameters of the surface layer (surface roughness Ra of the parameter is 0.15-0.04 microns, light reflectivity of - 50-80%) when using different working technological environments are defined.
63-68 564
The influence of an ultrasonic wave on the form and topological instability of a magnetic fluid drop placed on a horizontal solid surface in an external homogeneous magnetic field is investigated theoretically and experimentally. It is shown, that ultrasonic influence can lead to lengthening of a drop and raising of its stability.
69-75 563
Machine model for turning operations with asymmetric tool oscillations based on transducer-coupling system feed technology is considered. Mathematical model of oscillatory motions of tools with asymmetric cycle permitting to determine the design parameters is developed.
76-84 770
The history of the development of the science researches on nuclear reactor physics and techniques, description of the experimental and calculate-analytical base of JNE and JINPR - Sosny as well as the scientific links with other organizations in the past and nowadays are presented. A few new tendency of the fundamental science researches on increasing nuclear and radiation NPP safety in the future and the ways of using radiation of the nuclear spent fuel are described.
85-90 511
Vapordynamic thermosyphon (VDT) is an efficient heat-transfer device. The two-phase flow generation and dynamic interaction between the liquid slugs and vapor bubbles in the annular mini-channel of the VDT condenser are the main features of such thermosyphon, which allow increasing its thermodynamic efficiency. They can transfer heat flow in horizontal position over a long distance. The condenser is nearly isothermal with the length of tens of meters. The VDT evaporators may have different forms. Some practical applications of VDT are considered.
91-97 519
The smart grid technologies provide balance between electricity generation and consumption through optimal control of whole electricity system including emergency cases. Such innovation approach in Europe and North America disregarding of high cost of its solutions is much preferred then extensive development of generating powers. However the use of smart grid technology in Belarus is still at the primary level, at the level of presentations, discussions of its advantages and disadvantages and prospects for the introduction. Experience of realization in Belarus the international and domestic projects in this area as a first attempt to conduct exploratory research is described in this article.
98-102 436
A formula for porous media heat transfer is suggested for the one for rotation particle bed. The heat power of order of 1-5 MWt/l is assessed for microfuel particle bed flowed through by water. It depends on absolute pressure and the device dimension.
103-111 717
The analysis of Russian NPP power units control systems evolution with reactors VVER over the last 50 years is carried out. The present state and trends of their development is presented. Importance of advance and introduction of new progressive methods and algorithms of NPP control which will allow increasing units efficiency is shown.
112-116 642
The results of the effect of relative loading on the quality of images of cancer cells and polymer material, obtained with atomic force microscopy in the dynamic tapping mode are described. It is shown that there are optimal loads for different probes, which produce images of the highest quality. The estimation of the loads are made.
117-122 466
The results of the rod nanostructures synthesis and porous zinc oxide films on lithium niobate substrates by hydrothermal method and on the metal films by electrochemical deposition are presented. It was shown that hydrothermal method can be successfully used for formation of the hexagonal rod structures with a diameter up to 100 nm on the single crystal substrates. Electrochemical synthesis method is promising for formation of zinc oxide rod structures with a diameter up to 1 ^m on gold films and porous films on aluminum conductive layers. It was established that increasing of the solution concentration for the electrochemical synthesis method increases diameter of zinc oxide rod nanostructures. The obtained results can be used to select the optimal process parameters of zinc oxide nanostructures synthesis for subsequent application in micro-, nanoelectronics and photovoltaics
ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)