
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physical-technical series

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No 2 (2017)
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7-14 550
The aim of the work is to study a mechanism of formation of a monolayer in a multilayered ion beam nanostructured coating by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and a model of formation and growth of a monolayer by ion beam sputtering of target substrate with an ion assisting. To investigate the mechanism of formation and growth of monolayer in the coating a technique of sample preparation was developed for further study using electron microscopy Tescan MIRA (Czech Republic), allowing to obtain image surface of an object with high resolution, especially at low accelerating voltages. For the study of thin films, transmission electron microscopy is used much more frequently than scanning, so a console has been designed that allows to obtain images in the passing electrons – TE detector for study by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM – Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy). During study of monolayers by transmission electron microscopy using a TE detector, a mechanism of the formation of monolayer in multilayer ion-beam nanostructured coating has been proposed, consisting of the following steps: the adsorption of chromium particles on the substrate surface; surface diffusion to the stage of a screw dislocation; 2D-growth of chromium monolayer (2D-formation terraces) of 2D-islands; 2D→3D transition – the transition to three-dimensional island growth mode (3D-growth) by the mechanism of Stransky – Krastanow. The model of formation and growth of monolayer under ion-beam sputtering of a target with ion-assisted substrate has been developed.
15-22 552
The existing theories of liquid state, crystallization and modifying don’t allow determining nanostructural physical and chemical mechanisms of melting and casting of silumins. To research thin structure of these processes, it is necessary to consider fusion as consisting of thermodynamic stable nanocrystals of phases and unstructured atomized zones. As a result of the conducted researches it is shown that melting and casting of silumins are complicated nanostructural processes. During melting and casting of hypoeutectic silumin the determining role is played by centers of crystallization of primary crystals of aluminum, aluminum nanocrystals, the dissolved and adsorbed hydrogen. The role of modifiers comes down to absorption of dissolved hydrogen and an intensification of process of coagulation of nanocrystals of aluminum in the centers of crystallization of primary crystals of aluminum. At processes of melting and casting of eutectic silumin the major role is played by the centers of crystallization of the eutectic crystals of aluminum, the dissolved and adsorbed hydrogen. The role of the modifying flux comes down to formation of a sodium emulsion on which there is an allocation of bubbles of hydrogen in case of the eutectic crystallization. It promotes a branching of crystals of aluminum and receipt of the modified eutectic microstructure. At processes of melting and casting of hypereutectic silumin the determining role is played by the centers of crystallization of primary crystals of silicon, silicon nanocrystals, dissolved and adsorbed oxygen. In this case the role of modifiers comes down to reduction of concentration of the adsorbed oxygen and an intensification of process of coagulation of nanocrystals of silicon in the centers of crystallization of primary crystals of silicon.
23-29 580
Modern semiconductor devices and microchips are sensitive to the effects of ionizing radiation. Nevertheless, they are widely used in military and space technology, in the nuclear industry. At the same time, a number of technological, circuit and software solutions are used to reduce the effects of radiation exposure. The most preferable method is one based on using shields, due to its low cost and excellent radiation properties of shield’s materials. Recently, special attention has been paid to the study of multilayer structures. Experimental samples of Ni-Fe alloys and multilayer Ni-Fe/Cu structures with different chemical composition were obtained by electrochemical deposition. The dependence of chemical composition variation from deposition conditions was determined. Ni-Fe alloys crystal structure was studied using X-ray diffraction. Shielding properties of Ni-Fe/Cu multilayer structures were investigating on linear accelerator ELA-4 under 4 MeV electron irradiation. Silicon p-MOSFETs were used as test structures. Evaluation of electron flow weakening effectiveness was performed by current-voltage characteristics changing – threshold voltage of pMOS-transistors, which were located behind shields based on NiFe/Cu multilayered structures and without shields. It was found that increasing number of Ni-Fe layers within the same total thickness leads to maximum shielding efficiency.
30-39 708

The article is devoted to the investigation of potential defects that can appear in thin-film electrochemical coatings based on tin, which do not contain lead, during their long storage. The purpose of the study is to develop technological regimes of electrolysis, which ensure minimization of the probability of the appearance such defects and reliable operation of radio electronic equipment The problems of tin and lead-free alloys based on it, as well as methods of elimination of such potential defects as the formation of “whiskers” are considered. To control the growth of “whiskers” in the post-electrolysis period (12 months of natural aging under laboratory conditions), a Sn-Bi coating was chosen, which was formed using both a constant and a pulse-reversed current. Based on the results which were obtained with scanning electron microscope, it was established that deposition of an alloy using pulsed and reverse current not only improves the structure of the coatings formed, but also significantly reduces the propensity to form whiskers, their length and density per unit area in comparison with coatings obtained with direct current. Possible reasons for achievement of high quality electrochemical coatings with Sn-Bi alloy have been established. The slowest growth of “whiskers” was obtained at reversed current with an average density i av= 2 A/dm2, frequency f = 1 Hz and duty ratio γ = 1.5. 

40-48 732
A technological process of production of sealing fluoroplastic rings from a band workpiece is considered and the possibility of their production by a method of cold coiling of the tape on a cylindrical mandrel is investigated; the helix is cut in rings without subsequent heating operation and thermal fixing of sizes. The basis for adoption of such a technology is the analysis of mechanical properties and deformation behavior of fluoroplastic-4 in the conditions of power influence. Researches show that high plasticity of material and tendency of fluoroplastic-4 to cold flow contribute to emergence of irreversible deformations at low temperatures and low loadings and make possible obtaining fluoroplastic products by method of cold formation just as it occurs in metals, but taking into account particularities of polymer properties. Since the process of reorganization of structure and achievement of the equilibrium state has relaxation character, a necessary stage of cold forming is the endurance of a product under loading during the time required for preservation of given sizes by a detail. At the same time the accuracy of sizes of obtained rings is substantially defined by the tool accuracy (cylindrical caliber) on which is produced by winding of the tape. Considering this scheme of deformation as a pure bending at which there are areas of stretching and compression in a billet, and accepting for a fluoroplastic a model of a solid deformable body with possibility of elastic and residual deformations, it is for the first time proved by authors that fluoroplastic-4 behaves at compression as a rigid and plastic material, and at stretching the model of its behavior corresponds to elastic-plastic material. It means that zone of compression is completely captured by irreversible deformation and its sizes after unloading aren’t restored, and stretching zone even at considerable irreversible changes keeps some share of elastic deformations. After unloading, even after completion of relaxation processes, it leads to springing and, as a result, to partial restoration of its form and changes of its design size that should be considered during the development of technological process and designing of the tool. Authors have developed the method of calculation of the calibration tool taking into account effect of elastic after-effect in a product allowing obtaining fluoroplastic rings of required sizes and forms. The obtained results are reliable and are confirmed experimentally.
49-53 537
Linear variable filters are one of the promising types of optical elements for creating multipurpose spectrometers. Application of this type of elements allows simplifying the optical scheme of the device significantly without great reduction of its characteristics. Using classical optical systems, linear variable filters improve the performance of optical devices. From the technology point of view, making this type of bandpass filter is a rather complex task. Current results of technology development of linear variable filters are considered in the article. In the course of work, a software was developed to calculate the distribution of condensed material on the substrate surface, taking into account the geometry of the source, substrate, masks and the whole system. Calculation of optical characteristics and analysis of the physical thicknesses of a linear variable filter were performed, and the dependence of the thickness of the coating on the coordinate of the substrate was obtained. The geometrical model for calculation was based on the geometry of the vacuum technological equipment – Advanced Optical Coater (VTE AOC), manufactured by IZOVAC Ltd. (Republic of Belarus). Based on the data obtained by using the software, the optimal geometry of the vacuum mask was proposed to obtain the required spectral gradient.


54-72 833
An analysis of the state and prospects of development of additive technologies for computer-aided manufacturing has been carried out. This analysis allowed demonstrating a new paradigm of computer-aided manufacturing evolution – the transition to self-reproduction of machines and their parts, as well as organisms. A diagram of logical connections in the process of additive manufacturing has been proposed, which is a state machine that can be used to build a 3D printer enabling to “grow” products of complex shapes and structures, as well as for additive synthesis of its composite material. Prospective approach, considering additive methods such as synergetic energy technology, ensuring the self-organization of surface phenomena in the formation of structures of layers of different materials has been developed. It is proposed on the basis of the approach to choose sources of energy and material defining discrete or continuous technological environment of the additive processing method. Conditions for stabilization of the thickness of formed layers associated with processes of self-organization of surface phenomena and design features of products have been discussed.
73-77 604
Obtaining high parameter of roughness of chrome-plated surfaces with rather big productivity and accuracy of geometrical parameters represents a serious problem. A process of magnetic and abrasive processing of rods of hydraulic cylinders which provides reduction of roughness of working surfaces is considered. Hydraulic cylinders which have been made of steel 20Cr GB 3077-88 were used as samples. Samples were exposed to heat treatment to HRC 61–64, grounded to obtain roughness of a surface of Ra 0.8 microns, prepared for chromium plating by polishing by the method of magnetic and abrasive processingand then chromeplated (thickness of a layer of chrome of 0.02–0.03 mm). The conducted researches of magnetic and abrasive processing of the chrome-plated rods of hydraulic cylinders have shown that the roughness of a surface decreases by 54 % at change of time of processing from 60 to 150 seconds. Further increase of the processing time leads to falling of intensity of material removal therefore decrease of a roughness at time of processing within the range from 60 to 210 seconds is equal to 61 %. Application of the method of magnetic and abrasive processing for rods of hydraulic cylinders before their chromium plating has provided the decrease of roughness Ra from 0.8 to 0.2 microns in 90 seconds of processing. It allows drawing a conclusion that the mechanism of process of magnetic and abrasive processing, which provides mass and dimensional removal of metal of chrome-plated surfaces is similar to the processes of treatment of not chrome-plated ones. The difference of removal intensity is explained by the fact that the chromic covering of details, having considerable wear resistance and hardness, interferes with more intensive course of process.
78-87 668
A description of mass transfer processes in nanodispersed magnetic suspensions (magnetic fluids) is proposed under the assumption that assembly of magnetic particles in them can exist in the form of two phases: gaseous and condensed, and the phase transitions are determined by well-known thermodynamic conditions of phase equilibrium and depend on concentration of particles and magnetic field intensity. The distribution of concentration of magnetic particles in a gas phase conforms the diffusion equation, and in the condensed phase it is supposed to be constant. Process is described by the dimensionless magnetic parameter representing the relation of magnetic energy of a particle to thermal one, and also by the parameter characterizing dipole-dipole interaction between particles. The analytical solution to one-dimensional problem on distribution of concentration of particles in a magnetic fluid in locally non-uniform magnetic field is presented on the basis of the equations of diffusion and phase equilibrium. It is shown, that phase transition at given average concentration of particles is observed when the magnetic parameter exceeds certain value, and the area of the condensed phase increases with its increasing. At its large values the coordinate of phase transition boundary depends on average concentration of particles in the considered problem practically linearly.


88-95 655
The history of the development of nuclear science researches in the nuclear center of the Republic of Belarus is described. There were two State programs in Belarus devoted to the problems of the nuclear power. One of them was finished in 2010. Within the program, there have been resolved such tasks as: necessity of the nuclear power engineering, selection of the site for the nuclear power plant, developments of the legislation and regulations to ensure nuclear and radiation safety, as well as project of the strategy for radioactive waste management and spent fuel management. At the second stage for fulfilling the tasks of development and implementation of scientific and technical suggestions, the State program «Scientific support of nuclear power development in the Republic of Belarus for 2009–2010 and for the period till 2020» is carried out. The results of researches within the second program for 2013–2015 years are presented.
96-103 756

Wide spread of technogenic sources of ionizing radiation such as particle accelerators and nuclear reactors leads to appearance of a number of applied metrological tasks aimed at providing spectrometric and dosimetric ionization measurement instruments, located in photon radiation fields with energy to 10 MeV. Gamma rays with energy higher 3 MeV may be acquired using radioactive thermal neutron capture on target, i.e. (n, γ)-nuclear reaction. Titanium is used in the range of energies to 7 MeV; nickel – to 10 MeV. A simplest source of instantaneous neutron capture gamma-ray should consist of fast neutron source, neutron moderator and a target irradiated with thermal neutrons. The collimator with thermal neutron geometry of АТ140 neutron calibration facility with 238Pu–Be fast neutron source may be used (IBN–8–6) as a source of gamma-ray with energy to 10 MeV. Monte-Carlo models of thermal neutrons geometry, facility and 238Pu–Be fast neutron source were built using MCNP–4b code. Energy distribution of flux density of neutron capture gamma–ray for titanium and nickel targets was defined. A spectrometric detector based on LaBr3(Ce) crystal Ø 38×38 mm with non-linear characteristics of channel-energy transformation in the range up to 10 MeV, was specifically manufactured for instrumental support of the experiment at SPE “ATOMTEX”. The results for Ti, Ni, and for bare 238Pu–Be neutron source were acquired. During the experiment a possibility to use neutron capture gamma-ray field formed by thermal neutrons geometry of АТ140 neutron calibration facility with 238Pu–Be-fast neutron source with Ti and Ni targets for calibration LaBr3(Ce) spectrometers for energy to 10 MeV was confirmed. Closely stationing polyethylene plate in collimator channel provides significant increase in output of reference radiation from target simultaneously decreasing unneeded parts of the spectrum. 

104-115 690
It is shown that mathematical hydrodynamic models of micro fuel beds can’t describe viscous and inertial effects truly. The filtration equations obtained by averaging the equation of viscous fluid motion over an elementary volume and containing the so-called viscous term are valid only for the infinite porous medium. Using these equations and no-slip condition on the impermeable ends of bed leads to discrepancy between estimated and observed data. The constructed rapid coolant filtration model is based on the ideal fluid motion laws with a volume interphase interaction force, which is represented as a divergence of a tensor with potential and vortex components. In this case, the potential component reflects the contribution of the resistance forces to the normal pressure of the coolant and is a “hidden” parameter – the reason for experimental data spread. Using the model, dynamics of the coolant flow at the inlet and outlet of the fuel bed is investigated and the matching conditions for velocity and pressure vector are determined. These conditions make it possible to relate the filtration equation and viscous fluid motion equation on the bed permeable boundaries. Due to dominance of inertia forces at entrance and exit of the bed, the stream is refracted: at the inlet towards the normal to the bed boundary, and at the exit towards the tangent. Accounting for this effect the optimize fuel bed contours in terms of thermal physics and neutron physics will be obtained.


116-125 623
Now broad application at production of special protective clothes of firefighters is found by the metallized materials steady against influence of fire and high temperatures and thermal streams. Application of traditional ways of a fastening of details from the metallized materials with a film covering, steady against influence of fire, high temperature and thermal streams, promotes formation of connections with low operational and heat-physical characteristics. There is a need for creation of technology solutions providing release of qualitative, reliable samples of special protective clothes for firefighters, made from heat- and fire-resistant metallized materials. Main methodological approaches used at optimization of structure of the thermo-sealing composition and parameters of technological process chosen for realization of original technology of thermo-sealing and hardening of knots and connections of special protective firefighter’s clothes from increased thermal influences are stated. The objective is solved with use of methods of mathematical planning of a multifactor experiment and a simplex planning. The expense of polymeric composition, mass of fire-retarding agent, time and temperature of contact drying are chosen as the varied factors. The indicators “Explosive loading at stretching perpendicular to a seam” and “An oxygen index” are the criteria of optimization. The rational combination of the components of the thermo-sealing composition and the parameters of the technological process for obtaining strong, fire-resistant joints details of special protective firefighter’s clothing is determined. The developed recipe of the thermo-sealing composition and the parameters of the technological process have been tested at production of fragments of heat-shielding firemen’s suits.


ISSN 1561-8358 (Print)
ISSN 2524-244X (Online)